
16 December 2009

Something magical aka the day my life changed forever

Four years ago today the two week wait was over at last and it was time for me to find out if the IVF had worked. I had an appointment at the clinic for a beta hCG blood test first thing in the morning and I cried all the way there. After the uncertainty (mixed with subdued excitement and hope) of the long 2WW, I was very aware that my dream could soon be over. I returned home for yet more waiting and paced the room for the next three hours. Waiting for the phone to ring, those three hours were the longest of my life. Eventually I stopped pacing and sat down and tried not to think any more. Then the phone rang and it was the nurse, and she told me immediately that my blood test had come back showing that I was pregnant. I was completely stunned and totally over the moon. I had a BFP . A BIG FAT POSITIVE. I was PREGNANT. At 21 years old I'd been told that I would not be able to conceive a child naturally and more than a decade later I'd finally become pregnant through IVF. It was going to be several months before it really sank in and I believed for sure that I was going to have a baby soon, but on that day my world altered completely with the news of my BFP. Nozy had sent me a text on 1st January 2005 saying Something magical is going to happen this year and he was right, something magical did happen and on 16th December 2005 my life changed forever.

To celebrate my IVF miracle baby (and the beginning of life with a sunny boy) I'm going to be hosting the first Giveaway at Sunnydaytodaymama. See my Love Thursday post tomorrow for details on the Giveaway and how to enter.


  1. That is beautiful! I'm looking forward to your giveaway!

  2. This is a beautiful post, and I love the picture you chose to go along with it. How wonderful for you, Nozy, and Sunnyboy that you were able to have your long-awaited baby!

  3. It's a magical date for you & it's special to me too 'coz Dec 16th is my birthday which is today!

  4. so glad Sunnyboy came to you--the Sunnymamma :)

  5. what a beautiful story,thanks for sharing with us.I love the flowers,too.If I am not wrong,they are flowers of an orange tree.

  6. So much love wrapped up in these words...

    I cannot imagine the rush of emotion you felt as you heard the news of Sunnyboy's arrival to your life!

    Happy Best News Ever Day, Sunnymama!

  7. What a lovely post - celebrating the day Sunnyboy came to you. How joyful xx

  8. Oh, dear girl. Congratulations! What a happy Christmas it will be for you.

    Best wishes


  9. Well, congrats to you, Sunnymama! You have a wonderful little sunny boy that I can tell you love more than life itself! Great for you! :)

  10. Congrats what a great post to share. Can't wait to see what's up for tomorrow.

  11. Wow, just reading those terms again - two week wait, BFP - brings back memories! Loved how you shared your story. That moment of finding out you are pregnant is definitely momentous. Somehow your blog must have fallen out of my Google reader. Adding back in now!

  12. So sweet, I love the picture that goes along. I'm so happy you got your sunny boy after all that waiting!!

  13. How amazing! I remember the TWW with our 2nd, and seeing that BFP. I think Sunnyboy has a wonderful mother :)

  14. Thank you for all your lovely comments. :)

    Isil, yes it's orange-blossom.

  15. Dora, hope you had a happy birthday! :)

  16. I'm so glad you got that positive!

  17. What beautiful words and such a beautiful memory. Thank you for sharing such precious, loving times. Richest blessings!

  18. Just wonderful :) This blog is testament to how lucky you both are to have each other. Lisa xx

  19. I noted you are an IVF mom and went back to read. My daughter has twins (I'm the day time caretaker since she works) who are IVF and were carried by a surrogate (her best friend), born 12/26/02. We are all so lucky to have our boys. Your sunny boy looks very sweet. Enjoy him because time flies!

  20. You have described this so well in a very lovely and moving post. Thanks for linking up to my thingy at Really appreciate the support and hope to see you again

  21. What a lovely story. So glad you got the happy ending you were after. x
