
31 August 2011


Corner View was created by Jane at Spain Daily and is hosted by Francesca at FuoriBorgo. We are invited to post pictures telling the stories of our different lives and cultures. This week's theme is 'Change'.

Five Years

1. August 2006, 2. August 2011

Corner Views from around the world:
Jane, Dana, Bonny, Joyce, Ian, Francesca, Theresa, Cate, Kasia, Otli, Trinsch, Isabelle, Janis, Kari, jgy, Lise, Dorte, McGillicutty, Sunnymama, Ibb, Kelleyn, Ninja, Sky, RosaMaria, Juniper, Valerie, Sammi, Cole, Don, WanderChow, FlowTops, Tania, Tzivia, Kristin, Laura, Guusje, Susanna, Juana, Elsa, Nadine

29 August 2011


I ♥ Faces is a photography site focused on the art of capturing faces and their various emotions. This week’s photo challenge theme is 'White'.

August 2006

28 August 2011

In my handbag

The BritMums Blog has asked What's in your handbag?

My handbag

Contents: little Maisie Mouse book, post-it note pad, reflective armband, file (containing business cards, receipts, scraps of paper and sachets of antiseptic wipes), cash bag (containing five pence pieces), purse, notebook and pen, pocket bag, glasses cleaning cloth, 3 feminine hygiene products, plaster, case with more plasters, superman finger puppet, spiderman finger puppet, "I love you" wiggly bug, mobile phone, Pizza Hut gift voucher, fabric clothing label Sunnyboy uses as a map, little torch, 2 hairbands (the little one is Sunnyboy's), coffee stirrer stick, elastic band.

The other bag

Contents: handy wipes, flask of water, spare clothing for Sunnyboy (including a winter hat in case we go anywhere noisy and a summer hat in case we go anywhere sunny), 3 cloth bags, umbrella, fabric square Sunnyboy uses as a map, leaflets, hand gel, tissues, raincoat, coffee stirrer stick.

What's in your purse party at a bowl full of lemons

27 August 2011

Making a mini pond in our garden

Recently Nozy and Sunnyboy made a tiny pond by our back door. They dug a hole to fit an old washing up bowl,

filled it with rain water,

and a little water from the big pond.

They found some stones,

to put in and around the pond.

Then they added some shiny stones,

and shells,

and a fairy,

and planted some wildflower seeds next to their new mini pond.

13th September 2011:
A frog in our pond

You may also like:

Nature Study kit

Outdoor play kitchen

The Very Hungry Caterpillar project

Homemade wooden Angry Birds game

Pirate boat (and a treasure map)

Dandelions and other flowers

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.
Best Projects for Kids from 2011

NATURE STUDY on Sunny Days Pinterest.


26 August 2011

Sharing Hope - Hope Street

Sharing Hope is a weekly link collection for anyone who has some hope to share or is needing hope. Everyone is invited to share images and words of hope. For now I'll be using the same linky each week so we can gather lots of hope together but even if you've added a link in previous weeks you are more than welcome to add more each time. Please add a button or a link to Sharing Hope in your posts so others can visit and join in. Find out more about Sharing Hope and how to get a button here.


Sharing Hope
Bitter Sweet at Road2Baby

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember...

25 August 2011


Picture by Nozy

See more Blue at Thursday Challenge and Blue

19 August 2011

Sharing Hope - Flowers for my IF friends

Sharing Hope is a weekly link collection for anyone who has some hope to share or is needing hope. Everyone is invited to share images and words of hope. For now I'll be using the same linky each week so we can gather lots of hope together but even if you've added a link in previous weeks you are more than welcome to add more each time. Please add a button or a link to Sharing Hope in your posts so others can visit and join in. Find out more about Sharing Hope and how to get a button here.


Back in March I posted some flowers for my IF friends, others joined in so I added a Linky and that was how Sharing Hope began. Today, inspired by Virtual Friends Week at Stress Free Infertility, I have more flowers for my IF friends and I'm adding this post to the Virtual Friends Link-up so do call by there and join in too!

Picture by Nozy

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember...

17 August 2011


Corner View was created by Jane at Spain Daily and is hosted by Francesca at FuoriBorgo. We are invited to post pictures telling the stories of our different lives and cultures. This week's theme is 'Tiny'.

In our garden

a tiny ladybird,

the snail is not so tiny as the ladybird but it's still quite tiny,

a tiny yellow flower,

and a tiny pond that Nozy and Sunnyboy made (there'll be a post soon with more pictures showing how they did it).

Corner Views from around the world:
Jane, Dana, Bonny, Joyce, Ian, Francesca, Theresa, Cate, Kasia, Otli, Trinsch, Isabelle, Janis, Kari, jgy, Lise, Dorte, McGillicutty, Sunnymama, Ibb, Kelleyn, Ninja, Sky, RosaMaria, Juniper, Valerie, Sammi, Cole, Don, WanderChow, FlowTops, Tania, Tzivia, Kristin, Laura, Guusje, Susanna, Juana, Elsa, Nadine

15 August 2011

Beautiful Eyes

I ♥ Faces is a photography site focused on the art of capturing faces and their various emotions. This week’s photo challenge theme is 'Beautiful Eyes'.

14 August 2011

A sunny day at the Botanic Garden

Thank you to Canana for the Toy Story t-shirt and hat.

See more flower pictures at Today's Flowers
See more yellows at Mellow Yellow Monday
See other people's worlds at My World Tuesday
See more outdoor pictures at Outdoor Wednesday