
27 April 2009

Infant world teachers

When a child is born, the entire Universe has to shift and make room. Another entity capable of free will, and therefore capable of becoming God, has been born. In that way, every child's birth is exactly like the birth of a world teacher. Every child born is a living Buddha. Some of them only get to be a living Buddha for a moment, because nobody believes it. Nobody knows it, and they get treated like they're dumb. Babies are not dumb. A newborn infant is just as intelligent as you are. When you're relating with him, you should consider that you are relating with a very intelligent being who just doesn't speak your language yet. And you shouldn't do anything gross to him before he learns to speak with you.
(quote from Stephen Gaskin)

From Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin

I've posted before about how Sunnyboy inspires me, and I love this quote because it expresses how I felt about Sunnyboy even before he was conceived. I'm grateful to a wise friend who, when I was pregnant, lent me a copy of Spiritual Midwifery as well as some other great books including The Family Bed by Tine Thevenin. Reading these led me to discover the Continuum Concept and 'attachment parenting' which felt so instinctive and natural to me. I'm honoured to be Sunnyboy's mother and also to have found ways of mothering him that allow me the opportunity to learn from him and grow as a person while I try to relate to him in a more natural and respectful way.

*Operation You is the home of Inspirational Monday. You can get more inspiration there and are invited to stop by and post your links of inspiration.


  1. It true, I always say as parents we have to rewire our brains. And it doesn't happen over night ... it takes time (and patience).

  2. What an interesting concept. I share your sentiments in regards to my child. What an honour to be their parents!

    Happy Inspirational Monday!

  3. I so agree - I am loving learning all the time as my children grow. Beautiful quote. xx

  4. Hi there:

    Boston Celtics is professional basketball and Boston Red Sox is professional baseball.

  5. Hi Se'Lah
    Thanks for letting me know! I'm learning so much from blogging too :)

  6. OMG! J surprised me how in touch she is with her Being. I use to talk to her when she was in my womb and write to her often. She responded each time.. She felt my love even then. I continue to learn from her every day.

    I tell her that I'm so glad she chose me to be her mom. I read somewhere that babies have the ability to feel and know where they came from simultaneously learning about their new "life." At 3 is when they begin to not remember as much as what they came here for. I belive that with all my heart!

    I'm so grateful to her for teaching me to just BE!

    Happy Inspirational Monday!

  7. That is a great quote!
