
3 June 2009


Sunnyboy loves playing in the mud. We have a little area in our garden reserved especially for the children to dig and play in the mud.

Add some water and sticks as well and it's even more fun.

Playing with mud is simple and free, but it keeps Sunnyboy and the other neighbourhood children busy for hours.

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.

Tots100 Blog Hop
TinkerLab Blog Hop


  1. Every garden should absolutely have a Mudpatch! :)

  2. My youngest would absolutely love this!!

  3. we just created a mud pit in our yard recently -- so much fun!!

  4. Sunnyboy and my son would be a great match to play in the mud. Now let me ask you about some tips to get rid of the mud stains ;)?

  5. Looks like fun!!! Ah to be able to play in the mud again.

  6. we need a mud area in our garden too!

  7. There is something about kids and dirt that just go together. Love how you reserve a special place in the garden for them to play in the mud. Brilliant!

  8. What fun! :D Mud is always good for that! Mud pies, here we come!

  9. That is so cool that you have a designated mud pit! Most parents would shy away from all the dirt :) But what a great place for them to play.

  10. Having tons of fun! Kids just know how to play!

  11. Lol! Great pictures! Mud, Tonkas, and Boys. Heaven on earth.

  12. You know my girls would be all over that. How fun!

  13. Gotta love a mama who let's kids be kids! ROCK ON~!

  14. My son loves to play in the mud! Cute photos.

  15. AnonymousJune 03, 2009

    My girls love dirt in various forms. Deladis is more likely to be found in the sandbox making neat sculptures or filling buckets and dumping them again. Ivy on the other hand likes the mud or garden dirt as well. She eats it though, which I go back and forth about whether or not that is a healthy thing. :)

  16. amazing what keeps them happy, isn't it! My son LOVES mud and the creatures you can find IN the mud!

  17. I make sure my kids have a digging spot, too. They love it. We get a lot of rain in the NW and they have so much fun making mudpies. I think this summer I may let them plant some of their own flowers. Then, they can have fun watering them. Course, I'll have to do that in a separate area from the digging spot!!

    My WFMW post: WFMW: Summer Soap

  18. Brings back old memories...when I was just a kid!

  19. Yep---all the money in the world cannot replace simply playing in the MUD! The boys LOVE it!

  20. I like the idea of reserving a spot in your garden just for him! Thats great!

  21. I love that you have dedicated mud spots! I have a section that grows no grass ... I think I know what we'll do with that spot now, because after all these years, the kids still haven't outgrown mud play.

  22. Thanks for adding your post to the international mud day blog hop. It's all about that patch of dirt!

  23. In addition to our weekly Monday Kid Corner, this week's theme is MUD. Brush off those archives and link them up at See you there! Jennifer
