
15 September 2009

The cemetery

One of our favourite local walks is through the cemetery, which is across the road from where we work.

Some of Sunnyboy's discoveries during our most recent walk at the cemetery were fir cones,

someone sleeping,

and an angel.

See other people's worlds at My World Tuesday


  1. Thanks for taking us on the walk with Sunnyboy! He is such a cutie! Very interesting looking cemetery and great shots!

    Enjoy your week!


  2. Wow the cementery doesn't look as scary as I thought it would be. It actually looks so peaceful and relax with all the greens!

    Thank you for the walk :).

  3. there is something very beautiful and peaceful about cemeteries. looks like a great place to walk!

  4. that was a lovely walk
    thank you

  5. I enjoyed the walk and with Sunnyboy and the photos. I have found some very interesting and pretty cemeteries, some are even great for birding. That is if you are into birding like I am.

  6. We did the same thing this weekend... off to post some pictures! lol

  7. I haven't stopped by lately to say hi! It looks like Sunnyboy is still having fun wandering around and exploring :)

  8. Great pictures - and I love Sunnyboy's choice of tee shirt :)

  9. I just feel freedom when I look at these photos! Love looking at them..

  10. We don't have little paths through our cemeteries here. I wish you could visit Bonaventure in Savannah, though... It is so peaceful, and the markers are just absolutely beautiful. I can spend hours walking around there!!

    And there is certainly no shortage of pine cones in Georgia ;) Sunnyboy could start a collection!!

  11. Cemeteries can be lovely, loving places. I find myself feeling optimistic there.
