
14 September 2009

Home Education Blog Carnival

For today's Inspirational Monday please head over to muddy bare feet, where Debs is hosting a Home Education Blog Carnival with links to lots and lots of inspiring and informative posts by home educators. If you are home educating or interested in learning more about home education then don't miss it! A huge thank you to Debs for all her hard work in putting together such a wonderful carnival celebrating International Freedom in Education Day 09.

*Operation You is the home of Inspirational Monday. You can get more inspiration there and are invited to stop by and post your links of inspiration.


  1. Aw, that's put a big smile on my face - thank you! :)

  2. Thank you for the link to this carnival!

  3. Thanks Sunnymama,
    I'm looking forward to reading these.


  4. Thank you! Thank you! Sunnymama, I'm on my way to homeschooling myself.. I'm just waiting for the Universe to align things up so I don't have to work anymore...
