
4 January 2010

A thank you, a reminder and 50 inspiring links

Thank you to Like a Starfish for the lovely words about sunnydaytodaymama in Happy New Year!

A reminder that this is the last week to enter the Why Love Matters Giveaway at sunnydaytodaymama and be included in a random draw to win a copy of Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby's Brain by Sue Gerhardt. The closing date for entries is Friday 8th January 2010 at midnight GMT and the winner will be announced on Monday 11th January 2010.

50 inspiring links that I've enjoyed recently:

Play - Journalling through Photos

Corner View: Books - Journalling through Photos

Nature Table - Pepper Paints

Changes - Free to learn an lovin it

Messy Messy Morning - Ingrid Liddle is Kind of Cute

More mud encounters - Free Flowing Ways

It's OK - I've got it covered! - Corridor Living

Color outside the lines - Sevin Family

Here's one mother who couldn't care less - grit's day

Hoop and stick - grit's day

With Hearts of Gratitude - Shivaya Naturals

In Search of Mama's Milk - Flow of Love

We’ve found our parenting style! - Our Life On Planet Earth

Peaceful Parenting resources - Our Life On Planet Earth

45 Ways to Say "Yes" to Your Child - The Sparkling Martins

Musings on the "normal" raising of babies - I'm Unschooled. Yes, I Can Write.

Deep Learning: Letting it Stew - radio free school

Carnival of Unschooled Life — December 2009 Edition - The Expanding Life

Doing What We Do - mama smiles

Cardboard, Tape, and Rags - mama smiles

Top 9 Posts of 2009 Round Up - Frugal Family Fun Blog

Early Christmas Present - My Bilingual Boys

Fantastic Fiction for Kids – Baking - Playing by the book

Art! Wax resist painting revisited… - Playing by the book

A Mix Of Everything - The Artist And The Teacher

Ch {A} lk - Simple Beauty

Toys. Who needs them? - tinygreenpeople

Everyday is magical - Operation You

Birdsong and Silly Walks - muddy bare feet

Weekend Bonus Post for Historic House Lovers - What Do We Do All Day?

Five Great Things About This Picture - Tinkering School

A Silly+Tasty+Kooky+Pretty+Utterly Outrageous+Pink and Blue Cupcake Kind of Post! - The Quintessential Magpie

Mosaic Monday - Riet's Photoblog

Mosaic Monday: Passionfruit - Journalling through Photos

Yellowstone Mosaic Monday - Traveling with Eileen

Making Photo Mosaics: A Tutorial - Little Red House

Jenny's Projects: teacup candles

Outdoor Winter Day Activities: Fifty Things To do on Cold Days

A Sydney Christmas - Summertime - Sydney Eye

2010 - Spirithelpers

All the possibilities of a new year. - Can't Get There From Here

Photo a Day - January 1st and 2nd - Feel The Rhythm Inside

Creative Every Day Challenge

Introducing the Home Baked Challenge! - Home Baked

"Gift of Jewels" Giveaways at Necessary Room. You can enter as many of the giveaways as you wish by leaving a comment on the featured post. The randomly selected winners will be announced on 7th January 2010. Entries will remain open until 6th January 2010.

Blog for victory! or Your fellow home edders need you but it doesn't have quite the same ring to it! - What are we doing tomorrow?

Blog For Victory!! is a new blogroll intended to celebrate the diversity in home education in the UK and the passion we share for defending it.

If you haven't already done so, please consider signing the petition to the Prime Minister to uphold that parents have the primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of their child. If you are outside the UK there is also a Global Petition to support home educators (homeschoolers) in England.

English Home Educators Under Threat: Time for a Stand of Principled Non-compliance? (PDF file)

How to take back your education, by America's leading educator John Taylor Gatto

Inspiration from Abraham-Hicks

*Operation You is the home of Inspirational Monday. You can get more inspiration there and are invited to stop by and post your links of inspiration.


  1. i am so honored to be included here :)

    i love that you do these from time to time... i get introduced to so many great mama blogs out there.

  2. Your blog is very inspiring to me - full of wonderful photos, and interesting, thought provoking links.

    Off to have a good browse :-)

  3. Lovely list - thanks for including the Home Baked Challenge!

  4. Thanks for putting the Blog for Victory!! link in :)
    Mandy x

  5. Ooohhh, thanks for those links, I'm looking forward to working my way through those!

  6. Thanks for including me in the links!! It looks like a wonderful list, and I look forward to exploring all the new links... :-)

  7. What great links! I am bookmarking this gem of a post, and thank you so much for linking to us. I feel so honored to be among these fabulous posts!!

  8. Thanks for all the great links, I'll save this to take a look at over the weekend when I have a little time. I was just finally making it over to wish you a happy new year! I'm far behind as usual - darn work always gets in the way of my blogging!

  9. Wow, what an honor to be included here. I am so excited to check out this entire list, thank you for sharing. Happy New Year!

  10. Thanks for sharing your favorite links. Wishing you all the best for 2010 :)

  11. thanks for this list! I can't wait to check out the links!

  12. Thank you for including me in your list. I am really honoured. I love your blog too and I love that little sunny boy.
    Have a nice day

  13. Thank you so much for the link to me. I really appreciate the inspiration I find at your wonderful blog xx

  14. what a wonderful list of inspiring posts...can't wait to explore some new ones.

  15. Thanks so much for the link! I can't wait to check out all of the other links. Always looking to be inspired!!

  16. wow. this is such an impressive list. i am going to link to it in my next inspired internet list. a few i have visited. many are new to me. thank you!

  17. Wow - it has taken me days to get through this post, but I didn't want to miss a thing. Thanks!

  18. Wow! What an uplifting group of people and I'm included! That's really exciting! Thank you Sunnymama for wanting to lift all of our spirits!
