
18 February 2012

A homemade Nature Study kit and an I-Spy Wild Flowers giveaway

Inspired by a wonderful homemade Gather Bucket at maya*made, that I featured in my preparing for spring post, I decided to put together a Nature Study kit to take with us on our spring nature walks. I found an Origins fabric shopping bag to use and then collected things to put in it that we had around our house.

Our kit contains*
magnifying glass
plain paper exercise book
one large tin and one small tin
cardboard tub
two little jars
one large drawstring bag
three small drawstring bags
Birds of the British Isles picture cards
I-Spy Wild Flowers book
Nature Facts (Pockets) book
Discover wildlife booklet
booklets about bugs, beetles, flies, dragonflies, snails & slugs and grasshoppers, crickets, cockroaches & earwigs
*We added a ruler and a tape measure after I took these pictures.

Sunnyboy said he'd like to look for bugs so for our first nature walk with our new Nature Study kit we'll take a book on bugs and a bug spotter's chart (both came from a Bugs Activity Kit).

We also have some packs of Usborne Spotter's Cards to use on more nature walks.

All of our books and spotter's cards were bought secondhand from charity shops and we have a spare secondhand copy of this little vintage book, I-Spy Wild Flowers, so I'm having a giveaway. If you'd like to win a copy leave a comment on this post. Please mention in your comment that you'd like to enter the giveaway (and include a link to your blog) and I'll draw a winner at random on 3rd March.
This giveaway is now closed.

If you have a post about a nature study kit, spring nature walk, spring nature table or any post with a spring theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Spring, which is open for new links until May.


You can find lots more Nature Study ideas and resources on our Nature Study Pinterest board.

You may also like:

10 Nature Study ideas for spring

Spring Nature Hunt free printable

Nature photography scavenger hunt

7 Rainy Day Books for Spring

Bunting made from an old children's book

The Very Hungry Caterpillar project

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.

#Pinaddicts Challenge no.2 at Melksham Mum

A homemade Nature Study kit #pinaddicts



  1. Wow! Lots of imaginative ideas. Spring is a fascinating time of year with such a lot to see and do.
    Love Mum and Dad

  2. OH yes please enter us into this awesome giveaway. Our homeschool would be blessed to have it!


    I will look for something from last spring to link up also!

    Thanks 8)

  3. Please enter me into this giveaway...I teach preschool, and would be thrilled to share with the 3 and 4 year olds. I do not have a is

  4. Hello! Please enter us into the giveaway too-my little daughters & childmindees would love it :)

  5. Imagination and creativity is a good skill. You made it just right.

  6. I would love to win this book -- my little monkey loves to ask about the flowers and wildlife we encounter on our walks. (erindtran at gmail dot com)

  7. We love nature activities and shall be putting a kit together now. A good one to have in the car as well!

    Thank you so much for Linking up to Family Frolics!


  8. Lots of wonderful ideas to explore! Thanks for the chance to win that sweet book. :)

  9. Yours is a lovely pack! So much fun stuff.
    Don't enter us, of course, as we're in the U.S., but I just wanted to say it's a fantastic package.
    I've been thinking for a year or so of doing one, myself, but haven't, yet!

    I'll link up someday, when it's spring. :)

  10. Hi! I found you on the sits girls pinterest link up. I'm a "sunny" gal too. Love your blog.

    I'm your newest follower and would love for you to come check me out too :-)


  11. My son would love this. He loves nature and finding about it. PLease include us.

    Not visited your blog before, but I've had a look around and I think I'll be back. Now following you on Bloglovin.

    My blog:

  12. Thank you for the inspiration! Will have to make a kit for my little boy! Love the little wild flower book giveaway - very generous of you to share! I'm aiming to try and create a patch in our garden with wildflowers and bug boxes but haven't a clue what I'm doing!
    Emma xx (@beachpebble)

  13. What a beautiful kit! I see see Sunnyboy getting hours and hours of use out of it!!!

    Thanks for linking up to Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  14. My daughter loves nature and nature activities.. so much fun!! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday. hope to see you next week.


  15. what a great post with wonderufl resources!
    Thank you for linking up to 'Made With Love',
    Pinned it here:


  16. Such a gorgeous book!Thanks for linking up to Book Sharing Monday.

  17. What a great idea to make a kit like this, how fun, our family has always loved nature walks, and we always have treasure to bring home, you have given me great ideas to make our own kit! Thanks! :)

  18. Great ideas and a wonderful kit. Hurry up and come, Spring...we've got activities to do :)

  19. Wonderful kit! And please enter me in the giveaway - my granddaughter would love the book. Thanks! cokelush at gmail

  20. Great kit - we have a big yard and I can't wait for the rain to go away so we can explore, these kids are so neat.

    Thanks for linking it up !

  21. I would love to win the book. I am NOT an outdoors person, but my 5 year old is!!! She loves all animals and nature, so we often go out into the woods or a park on nature hunts. I love your kit.

    hjnagel (at) hotmail (dot) com

  22. i used to love i spy books - this would get me started again with my son @mummylion

  23. What a great kit you've put together. Sounds like you guys are going to have some awesome nature walks! Thanks for linking up last week!

  24. I love the idea of making up kits for children to explore with.

    Thanks so much for linking to Fun Sparks xx

  25. Wow! What a fantastic post. There is so much to look at, I don't know where to start. Probably with making my own spring nature explorer bag... I'm inspired.

    Thanks so much for linking up with Tuesday Tutorials. Welcome to the community!

    Oh, and, sure - enter me in your contest! I've been attempting to learn to identify more wildflowers. =)

  26. I want to start nature walks with my kids and having never done it before was wondering what that looked like - thanks for such a GREAT list of resources!!! Thanks for linking up to TGIF!! Have a GREAT week,
    Beth =-)

  27. What a great idea for this summer for my girls! Thanks for linking up to Fun Stuff Fridays!

  28. Monica ParkMarch 02, 2012

    Awesome ideas. Last year I tried a similar, not near as neat, idea. I try to always have a back pack ready of things to go to the park or up the can on fly.
    I would LOVE a copy of the book. We used to have real nice set of books like that, but I had to leave them behind:(.
    Please enter us in the giveaway. So glad I found your blog. I just bought a domain last night to get my blog really is going to be a Heinz 57 of topics, nothing yet so not leaving link...YET.
    Thanks, for sharing all your ideas.

  29. Hello! I enjoy your nature walk post. I'd like to be entered in the giveaway. We enjoy lots of hikes when the weather cooperates! God bless you!
    brian amy 10 @ (no spaces)

  30. yes, please enter us in your give away. Your study looks awesome. Thank you for adding the great photos.
    Beth Ann

  31. I love your homemade nature study kit. It is such a great idea and the bag is so cute! I would love to be entered into y our giveaway
    shannonsweep at gmail dot com

  32. This is just fabulous thank you. I can see hours of fun & learning ahead.


  33. My children would love this and how great to find all the usborne spotter cards in a charity shop. Thanks for linking up and saying hi! x x

  34. Lovely kits. Great idea. Will have to make some of those for my children. x

  35. These are super cool!! My kids love being outdoors, so a kit like this would be used so well! Thanks for linking up to our challenge too :) Kerry x

  36. Wow, there are some great ideas here! I will definitely be using some of them when my little girl is a little bit older. Thanks for linking-up! x

  37. Wow, wow, wow. Loads of ideas. I've bookmarked this. Usborne spotter books were a childhood staple for us. Days out and holidays wouldn't have been the same without them. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  38. I really, REALLY love this!
    Tucking it away for later reference!

  39. Such a great idea to put together a nature study bag! My girls do this with a backpack that they like to take with them when we go on hikes through our woods. Thanks for sharing with Favorite Resources :)
