
20 February 2012

What To Look For In Spring (A Ladybird Book)

On Saturday we'd planned to go for a nature walk with our new homemade Nature Study Kit, but it was pouring with rain so instead we stayed home and began making a spring Project Book. We've also been reading spring books including this lovely Ladybird Book published in 1961.

What To Look For In Spring (Ladybird Nature Series 536) by E.L. Grant Watson (Author), C.F. Tunnicliffe R.A. (Illustrator)

'By the end of February many signs of Spring have already appeared and, as the days grow longer, the hearts of country dwellers are stirred to renewed wonder at the swelling of buds and the sight of the early blossoms of hazel, willow, alder and poplar.

In March come the violets and celandines, and although the easterly winds often blow strong and cold, we know that March will soon be followed by April - when windows can be opened again, and hedgehogs and dormice can end their hibernation and enjoy the sunshine. With Spring comes the greatest wonder of the year - possibly even more beautiful than the Summer.'

If you have a post about a spring book, or any post with a spring theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Spring, which is open for new links until May.


We're also having a spring giveaway for a copy of a little vintage book, I-Spy Wild Flowers. If you'd like to enter the giveaway please leave a comment on my A homemade Nature Study Kit and an I-Spy Wild Flowers giveaway post before 3rd March.


  1. Have seen some calves and piglets already while out and about and saw two beautiful hares running about in the fields when the snow was on the ground. Spring is on its way! Mum and Dad

  2. This book sounds very sweet! It's definitely still winter where we live =)

  3. LOVE these old Ladybird books. Pretty sure I had that one as a kid! New lambs in our fields right now, so snowy white and wobbly legged...

  4. We have some of these "what to look for" books and they're an absolute delight!

  5. I love the piece you share.Thanks for linking up to Book Sharing Monday.x

  6. I remember this book, cheers Marie
