
4 February 2012

Our favourite spring books and a blog carnival coming soon

This year at sunnydaytodaymama we'll be hosting a new blog carnival, All Year Round, a quarterly link collection of spring, summer, autumn and winter posts sharing seasonal thoughts, pictures, activities, crafts, recipes, books, art, nature study, projects, celebrations and more. I'm delighted that Mama Smiles, Winding Circle, The Mahogany Way, Smiling like Sunshine and Home Baked will be co-hosting the carnival.

The All Year Round Blog Carnival: Spring begins on 15th February and everyone is invited to link up old and new spring posts. You're welcome to get a button and also share this post and let your friends know about the carnival. We're looking forward to seeing your spring links.


We've been preparing for spring for a while, including choosing books for our spring nature book basket. These are some of the spring books we've enjoyed in previous years.

I am a Frog

'I have my babies in the spring.
Lots of us gather together and
at night the mummy frogs lay eggs.'
I am a Frog
by Linda Bygrave (with illustrations by Louise Voce)

The Story of the Root Children

'Mother Earth opened the door. Then out into the lovely warm spring sunshine came the stately procession of beetles, ladybirds and root-children with their blades of grass and flowers.'
The Story of the Root-Children
by Sibylle von Olfers

Felix and the Dandelion

'Spring has arrived. The sun is shining brightly. The countryside is a patchwork of green and yellow meadows. Honeybees and bumblebees hum nearby. Beetles buzz through the air. Butterflies flutter from flower to flower. And there is something else whirring through the air... can you see the little red creature with black spots?
It is Felix, the ladybird.'
Felix and the Dandelion
by Judith Steinbacher (with illustrations by Antonia Nork)

If you'd be interested in hosting the carnival at your blog too please let me know in the comments or contact us here.

Spring Carnival
Our favourite spring activities
Pictures of spring
Preparing for spring
All Year Round Blog Carnival: get a button
All Year Round Pinterest


  1. What a great collection of Spring books! I love The Story of the Root Children!

  2. Very excited about this blog hop!

    We've only read the Root Children - need to look up those other books!

    Thanks for sharing with Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  3. What fun books! I can't wait for it to really be spring! We're expecting snow this weekend. (I think I already told you that! LOL)

  4. sounds good..I'll be back!

  5. Oooh the Root Children really is a lovely book! Am so going to and dig it out!! Looking forward to it already!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  6. I love the story of The Root Children, my children are teens now, but i still have to look through our old favorites from time to time, I love the illustrations.

  7. Stopping by from the Share and Share Hop!

  8. What a wonderful list of books for us to check out. Thank you for sharing them at Sharing Saturday! Have a great week!

  9. I love book recommendations - thanks for sharing!! thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great week =-)
