
6 April 2012

Nature walks, a nature window display, gardening and spring flowers

Over the last few weeks we've been on more nature walks. We went to the country park with Sunnyboy's Nana and Grandad again.

When we got home we put some of our nature walk finds in our nature journal and nature storage pages and used more to make a nature window display (with clear plastic cover film folded in half).

We've also been on more nature walks through the cemetery,

and found the lifecycle of the Holly Blue butterfly on the cemetery noticeboard.

We were given a stack of wildlife magazines,

and we found another lovely secondhand book for our Nature Study book collection.

Sunnyboy and Nozy have been planting more vegetables.

For Canana, more spring flowers seen on our nature walks and in our garden.

If you have a post about a spring nature walk, nature display, nature books, gardening or any post with a spring theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Spring, which is open for new links until May.


More Nature Study inspiration on Pinterest.

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. Great photos, the tree climbers are having lots of fun. Mum and Dad

  2. Gorgeous photos and I love the nature walks you are doing. We're getting out and about a lot (the challenge will be keeping it up once the weather turns bad come Autumn and Winter). My Parents have just handed me down The Family Naturalist (1979) if you haven't got a copy look out for it. It's amazing I've been flicking through it and there are so many ideas to try out once my 2 are a little older.

  3. Such beautiful photos! I love seeing your nature walk photos!

    Thank you for linking up to Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  4. Sounds like the perfect activity! Love your Nature Walk. Gorgeous. And the display is fabulous.

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!!

    Maggy & Alissa

  5. We love Nature Walks and your window is awesome!!! We need to try that!

  6. Great views! I love your nature window.

  7. Seriously you can just never tire of nature walks! There is always something to see and find!

  8. That makes such a lovely post from the walks and play to the beautiful flowers. Your children must be so at one with nature. Lovely to see. Thank you for sharing on Country Kids

  9. what lovely photos nature is so beautiful and its so important to rememeber that x

  10. This is very in fitting with Earth day which is next Sunday.

    Great pictures.

  11. So fun to get outside, isn't it!! Thanks so much for sharing this as well.
