
23 August 2012

Picnic Party: nature walk

Last weekend was Sunnyboy's birthday picnic party. After we'd eaten the picnic and handed out the nature walk gift bags we set off on a nature walk around the Country Park.

First we stopped at Hall's Pool for some pond-dipping,

then we walked around Dickerson's Pit and met a smartly dressed "wild animal" handing out gifts for the nature walk gift bags.

Each nature walk gift bag had a little card that said You will need: a stone, a stick, a leaf. We used the leaves to do leaf rubbings with crayons and we used the sticks for a game of Pooh Sticks on one of the bridges between the lakes. At the end of our walk we decorated the stones with marker pens to take home in the gift bags as a memory of the day.

Picnic Party: invitations and nature walk gift bags
Picnic Party: food (and summer recipe links)
Picnic Party: nature walk
and Picnic inspiration on Pinterest


If you have a post about a summer picnic and/or party, or any post with a summer theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Summer, which is open for new links until 31st August.


More Nature Study inspiration on Pinterest.

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. The smartly dressed wild animal was a great success and so were the magic tricks. The nature walk was just lovely and although it was hot the trees kept us shaded and provided lots of fun for play. A magical party, a day to remember. Mum and Dad

  2. So simple and yet so much fun, I love all your ideas and I bet it was a magical birthday treat for Sunny Boy and his friends! thank you for sharing on Country Kids

  3. Brilliant! I'm going to pin this now because we've got a nature park near us and I could easily do this for one of his parties! Thanks!

    Popping over from Country Kids

  4. Wonderful! I bet your kids had such a great time. Love that a big monkey came along... :-)

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  5. What an amazing idea for a party! Thanks so much for linking to Science Sparks xx

  6. What a wonderful party activity!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  7. Looks like everyone had a fun time. Thanks for linking to the Outdoor Play Party.
