
7 December 2009


Last week we were celebrating Sunnyboy's Conception Day and I also wrote about the anniversary of my becoming pregnant. This week I'm remembering the two week wait following an IVF cycle and what a very long time that two weeks is. After the months of treatment and IVF drugs leading up to the egg collection and then the embryo transfer, there's finally nothing more to be done except wait for the time to pass before the results. I'd saved up my holidays at work so I could take time off from the date of the egg collection to the end of the 2WW and, after the embryo transfer, I stayed home resting and trying to be positive (yet not get too excited) during that period of intense uncertainty. I was helped through it by others online who were going through, or had been through, the same experience. Infertility gives us a perspective that only those who have been affected by it can truly understand (a common thread) and sharing this with others was a vital support to me as the minutes, hours and days slowly passed by.

I'll be posting more about my IVF treatment and pregnancy with Sunnyboy when the anniversary of the 2WW is over...

See more Monday Memories at Planet M Files
(and here's a great post on The #$!?%*#$%? Two Week Wait by Kate at Busted Plumbing)


  1. Waiting is so very hard. I'm so glad that we know you had the best of outcomes! I didn't have IVF, but I remember the 2 week wait each month, for 7 years, hoping that each would be the month I got pregnant.

  2. I am always so touched by stories of people who go to great lengths for a baby. It just shows what a blessing a child is. Wonderful.

  3. Thanks for the link over to Busted! Great post, and I'm glad your 2ww was worth it :-)
