
3 December 2009

Another anniversary

Two days ago we were celebrating Sunnyboy's Conception Day and today is the anniversary of my becoming pregnant. Four years ago today I went back to the clinic for the embryo transfer and was delighted when the embryologist told us that we had two Grade 1 embryos to transfer. Putting them back in was supposed to be a fairly simple and painless procedure but there were some difficulties and, after two attempts and a great deal of pain, the doctor recommended a local anaesthetic to prevent me going into shock. After each attempt the embryologist took the two little embryos away again and I shall never forget her kind words when she told me "Don't worry, we'll take really good care of them." The third attempt was finally successful and, while I concentrated on not passing out, Nozy was watching the ultrasound monitor and saw the embryos going into my uterus in a little puff of fluid.

Lots of people were involved in creating those embryos (doctors, nurses, embryologists and other clinic staff). Everyone worked so hard to make sure everything was just right to give them the very best chance. My mum was outside in the waiting room and Nozy was holding my hand while I became pregnant. It had been my dream for many, many years and all those people helped make that dream come true. Sunnyboy will always know how very much he was wanted and loved, and I am honoured that so many people cared enough to help bring us together.

See more Love Thursdays at Chookooloonks


  1. Glad you got your dream come true! He certainly seems like a precious child. So many of us take it for granted that having a child is just a matter of giving it the old college try. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh, I have tears in my eyes reading this! Sunnyboy was VERY wanted :) Every child should feel this much love.

  3. I agree with Amber, what an emotional post! And how exciting to know the exact moment you became pregnant...what a memory to charish!

    Beautiful post.

  4. Another wonderful anniversary and celebration. Congratulations

  5. beautiful post. happy anniversary! besos!

  6. Awww - happy mom-iversary! What a beautiful post about such a special day for you. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh this is a really SPECIAL anniversary day to celebrate! Sunnyboy must love mommy too ok? I'm sure he does!

  8. A very special day! A day to remember... Tell sunnyboy about it, I am sure he would be excited to know :).

  9. Isn't medical technology wonderful! Congratulations! He is a doll!

  10. I'm another reader that had tears in my eyes reading this post!

  11. I'm so glad you were able to have your beautiful Sunnyboy!
