
23 October 2009

Unschooling ABCs

A – autonomy - the freedom to choose when, where, how and what we learn and to direct the rest of our life with the same freedom (when to take trips, when to wake up each day, what to wear, when to eat, what to spend our time on, who to spend time with, etc…).

B – being together – we have so much time to get to know and enjoy each other!

C – creative & critical thinking – we don’t spend precious time memorizing “right” answers in order to score well on tests, our learning has a more lasting purpose. We have the freedom to question everything, and explore to the extent that our curiosity is satisfied before moving on to something else.

Read the rest of the alphabet at This Inspired Life.

*The inspiration for Conscious Friday comes from Se'Lah at Necessary Room.


  1. This is so touching to my being Sunnymama. I so wish that I had the freedom to unschool my daughter fully. For now, I'll take the weekends and holidays we spend together to unschool her.

    Thanks as always for raising my consciousness. I've learned so much from you.


  2. I really needed this post today. Thank you so much :)
