
13 April 2012

All Year Round Blog Carnival: Spring update

The All Year Round Blog Carnival began on 15th February and we're delighted that so many of you have taken part. So far there are over 160 spring posts linked up, sharing seasonal thoughts, pictures, activities, crafts, recipes, books, art, nature study, projects, celebrations and more. You can see the spring posts, and join us, at the Spring Carnival which is open for new links until the summer carnival begins on 15th May. You can find out more about All Year Round and get a button here and also follow All Year Round on Pinterest.


Carnival co-hosts:
sunnydaytodaymama, Mama Smiles, Winding Circle,
The Mahogany Way, Smiling like Sunshine, Home Baked
and famiglia&seoul

This month we were pleased to welcome a new carnival co-host, Gina at famiglia&seoul, who is also holding a 15 Minutes Outside Giveaway! to win a copy of 15 Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids by Rebecca P. Cohen. You can enter the giveaway at famiglia&seoul and get an extra entry by sharing a post at the spring carnival.

If you'd be interested in hosting the carnival at your blog too please let me know in the comments or contact us here.


  1. Thanks so much for mentioning our giveaway! So excited to be co-hosting with everyone and seeing all of the wonderful spring ideas! :)

  2. I would love to host the carnival at All Things Beautiful.

    1. Phyllis that would be great! I'll get in touch to arrange it. Thanks :)
