
4 April 2012

Work & Play

Corner View was created by Jane at Spain Daily and is hosted by Francesca at FuoriBorgo. We are invited to post pictures telling the stories of our different lives and cultures. This week's theme is 'work & play'.

One of our favourite places to work and play is the charity shop where we've worked together as volunteers since Sunnyboy was 5 months old. Our main task at work is sorting and testing toys, which is a job particularly suited to Sunnyboy's skills. The first Corner View I took part in was 'Shopping' and then I posted pictures of a much younger Sunnyboy working and playing in our shop. This is Sunnyboy at work and play now.

Upstairs in the "toy room".


Up and down the stairs.

Downstairs on the shop floor.

Finding a good book.

At our favourite cafe on the way home from work.

Corner Views from around the world:
Jane, Dana, Bonny, Joyce, Ian, Francesca, Theresa, Cate, Kasia, Otli, Trinsch, Isabelle, Janis, Kari, jgy, Lise, Dorte, McGillicutty, Sunnymama, Ibb, Kelleyn, Ninja, Sky, RosaMaria, Juniper, Valerie, Sammi, Cole, Don, WanderChow, FlowTops, Tania, Tzivia, Kristin, Laura, Guusje, Susanna, Juana, Elsa, Nadine


  1. Love his expression with that science kit!

  2. That last picture is fantastic - they all are! Thanks for sharing :-) xxx

  3. i want to come to your charity shop and say hi! and browse. oh, you got me warmed to the idea now....
    great work and play tension in a charity shop, i'll say!

  4. A wonderful place... anc Corner Viaw. Have a nice week.

  5. Your charity shop looks wonderful. I also love sunnyboy on the last photo :) x

  6. sound like a wonderfull way to work and play
    happy day

  7. Great photos, especially the last one!

  8. Surrounded by books work is pleasure. Especially for children.

  9. A great theme. Sunny Boy definitely has a great job testing toys! Perfect combinationof work and play. And you always need a rest after doing both.

  10. great job, and photos!

  11. wow ... time flies. Love both sets of photos :)

  12. What a fantastic lesson about volunteer work for him! I love going to charity/thrift shops. You never know what you might find!

  13. That is an amazing thrift store! I love that you both help out there.


  14. My kids would love this job!

  15. oh, but that must be the most fabulous profession ever... toy tester. wow.

  16. sorry I'm late here, I had to take daughter in to the hospital for a series of scheduled checkups. Testing toys is a job that would be suited to my skills too! :)
