{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember... SouleMama
Recently Sunnyboy saw an Angry Birds 'Knock On Wood Game' commercial on TV and designed his own version. He dictated instructions for me to write so we could make it.
Angry Birds Game Make round wooden Angry Birds, Pigs and King Pig. Make a castle but not put nails in it. Make a little hide-out but not put nails in it. Make precious eggs.
We had three wooden balls and used marker pens to draw an Angry Bird, King Pig and another pig to be the guard.
We used the wooden pieces from an old Jenga set and each time Sunnyboy plays the game he creates different castles, forts and hide-outs for the pigs.
For the precious eggs we used marbles.
To play the game Sunnyboy rolls the Angry Bird down the sloping paving slabs outside our back door to knock over the castle and rescue the precious eggs. He took this photograph to show the view as the Angry Bird rolls towards the castle.
If you have a post about a summer craft, game or activity, or any post with a summer theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Summer, which is open for new links until 7th September.
On Sunnyboy's birthday it was such a hot day Sunnyboy opened his presents in the garden,
and we decided to postpone a trip to the funfair and fill up his new paddling pool instead.
Sunnyboy's presents included a copy of Now We Are Six, and after opening presents and playing with some of his new toys we had an outdoor lunch with a cake then played in the garden for the rest of the day.
The day after was cooler so we spent the afternoon at the funfair.
Then at work the next day there was a surprise tea party for Sunnyboy with another cake.