
14 August 2012

Picnic Party: invitations and nature walk gift bags

For the past couple of weeks we've been preparing for Sunnyboy's birthday picnic party. In previous years we've just had a small tea party at home for his birthday but this year we wanted to invite more of our friends and family so we decided to have a picnic party at the Country Park.

We decorated a pack of plain invitation cards with stickers to give them a nature/picnic theme.

After the picnic we'll be going on a nature walk around the Country Park so I thought it would be nice to make nature walk gift bags for our guests. I used pages from an old atlas to make the bags.

Inside each nature walk gift bag is a nature journal (made with notecards for the covers, plain paper pages and string stitching),

and a pencil (I covered these with paper from the atlas so they match the bags).

Each bag also has a toy bug or frog,

and a parcel with chocolates, sweets and a box of raisins (I used the index pages from the atlas to make these).

Nature walk gift bag contents:
Nature journal
Toy bug or frog
Parcel with chocolates, sweets and a box of raisins
Pressed flower keyring
Map of the Country Park
A little card that says You will need: a stone, a stick, a leaf

During the picnic we'll be blowing bubbles so I covered a bubble tub with a leftover page from the atlas.

Sunnyboy's birthday picnic party is this weekend and I'll be posting after with pictures of the picnic and nature walk, and the other activities we have planned. I'll also be explaining the reason for the little cards in the nature walk gift bags.

Picnic Party: invitations and nature walk gift bags
Picnic Party: food (and summer recipe links)
Picnic Party: nature walk
and Picnic inspiration on Pinterest


If you have a post about a summer picnic and/or party, or any post with a summer theme, we'd love you to link up at our All Year Round Blog Carnival: Summer, which is open for new links until 31st August.


Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. This is so exciting and lots to interest everybody, we are looking forward to it very much. Mum and Dad

  2. what great ideas, might have to do similar next year for my boy, parties didn't really work this year, I like your ideas and think they'd be perfect, have fun x x x

  3. I love your idea for the party! What a great theme. All your take home gifts are great.

  4. These are great ideas! I love that you made the bags from an old atlas. Everything looks great! I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating!

  5. There are awesome ideas you give i love all gift ideas ,thanks for share it.

  6. I absolutely love these projects, very wonderful party theme, fun goodies!

  7. Awesome post thanks for sharing..

    gift money poem cards

  8. What beautiful gift bags! I am sure the party is/was just as fantastic! :)

  9. Perfect party gift bags, they will go down a treat!

  10. I truly love this post! Everthing sounds fab!Hope he has had a super birthday :-)

  11. Sounds lovely. You are very creative - the bags and contents look wonderful for outdoor fun x

  12. What a wonderful idea for a party! You're so creative as well and I loved the theme carried throughout. I'll be looking for the follow up post on Country Kids.

    Popping over from Country Kids

  13. Wow! What a totally amazing gift bag. You did an amazing job. Am so impressed.

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  14. Love this & it's so unique, something for everyone to treasure. Thanks for adding this & the other links to the outdoor play party this week, Kierna

  15. I absolutely love all of the details! A picnic party is a fabulous theme and you really did a great job with everything. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas.

  16. What a wonderful idea!! I love it!! I love your nature bags especially. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  17. What a lovely idea for a birthday party. Your nature bags are a great idea. Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase. I've pinned this to our feature board. :)

  18. You make life more exciting. I will certainly creat some of these.
