
21 September 2009

Close Enough to Kiss

International Babywearing Week
September 21-28, 2009

Press release for International Babywearing Week 2009

Sunnyboy carrying his doll in a homemade gauze wrap
December 2007

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  1. what adorable photos of sunnyboy!

  2. i am a HUGE baby wearing advocate, which is what actually propelled my baby boutique! i love the pics of sunnyboy wearing his wrap! so stinkin' cute!

  3. The shots of Sunnyboy wearing his doll are so sweet.

  4. Sunnyboy is adorable and looks very attentive to his baby. :) I didn't know this was even a National week, lol.

  5. What a great idea with the gauze. I'll have to try that. I love a mei-tai. It is the most comfortable carrier for me. Thanks so much for the box of jewels. It made our day such a bright one. :)

  6. Awwww... Baby wearing is just the cutest!! I especially like the photos of sunnyboy. :-)

  7. so cute, i want to pick him up and cuddle and tickle!
