
11 April 2010

Spring, a bonfire and a blog party

This week we're joining the Ultimate Blog Party 2010 hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom. My party post has the same theme (and title) as last year's party post but this year the blog party is a month later so we've already celebrated the arrival of spring.

The arrival of spring in our garden
More spring in our garden
Spring - yesterday and today
Spring at the farm
Spring flowers
Spring nature basket
Spring nature book basket
101 inspiring links: spring, creativity and parenting
More inspiration

One of our favourite things about spring is the start of the bonfire season and here is our 'blog party bonfire' which Sunnyboy helped to build yesterday.

Click the banner below to find out about the events taking place and to visit other bloggers taking part and if this is your first visit to sunnydaytodaymama do leave a comment and a link to your blog so I can visit you also. If you enjoy our blog I hope you'll follow along and visit again soon.

Ultimate Blog Party 2010


  1. I lit my first fire of the season today and my teen daughter and her friends are outside sitting around it now :)

    Thanks so much for featuring my blog on yours, that was so nice!

  2. I love bonfires!! The smell is awesome. :) Glad to find another homeschooling family.

  3. There is nothing that inspires more than a bonfire. I love following you and your sons activities. He is lucky to have you as a mom.

  4. I used to love having bonfires with our kids when we were camping. We would drink hot chocolate, talk and laugh and have such a warm friendly time.
    Our kids are now 30 and 31 and still talk about our times around the fire.Wonderful place to plant family memories.

  5. Love your blog and really enjoyed my visit.
    I think this is my 3rd year. Not sure but really enjoy meeting new bloggers.
    Great prizes this year! I hope you win one..or two.
    I was late too but fashionable late for the UBP 2010.

  6. Looks like fun! We need to get a new fire pit. Ours cracked last year at the end of summer.

  7. Stopping in from the UBP to say HI! :)

  8. I love bonfires, with friends hanging around and food is awesome! Happy Sunday!

    SSS-Curved shadow

  9. Stopping by to visit my neighbors at the UBP.

    We had our fist bonfire of the season a few days ago and I can't wait for more.

  10. Nice bonfire! I joined the blog party, too.

  11. Stopping by from the UBP! Lots of pretty pictures. I want to do a bonfire now.

  12. Happy UBP10 Party!!! The linkys up there are insane, I cannot possibly visit everyone. So glad, I found yours. I am now a follower, you can also follow my blog at

    Have a great week!!! Lets finish this party!

  13. My son would LOVE to build a fire! If it weren't for our other kiddos (and my fear of not being able to adequately supervise) I'd make one this afternoon! Looks like it was a ton of fun! Glad to have found you on UBP
