
23 June 2013

What Makes a Baby

Recently I came across a review of sex-educator and author Cory Silverberg's new book What Makes a Baby and was intrigued. Having been through several more IVF cycles and an ectopic pregnancy since Sunnyboy was born, this is a topic Sunnyboy and I have discussed often and Sunnyboy knows that making a baby involves an egg, a sperm and a uterus. Until now I had been unable to find a children's book about reproduction that didn't only feature the "mummy and daddy and a bed" method of baby-making, so I was delighted when Cory asked Seven Stories Press to send us a copy of his book to read together and review.

It was very exciting to receive such a beautiful book in the post and it was a joy to read a book that both tells the story of how all babies are made, giving the essential facts in a simple and sweet way, and provides an opportunity to tell the story of how Sunnyboy was made and to talk about the different stories of other babies, as well as to answer his questions about conception, gestation and birth.

The book also asks questions about the readers' stories; who helped bring together the sperm and the egg that made you, who was happy that it was YOU who grew and who was waiting for you to be born?

We love the wonderful, colourful illustrations by award-winning Canadian artist Fiona Smyth, especially the egg and sperm dancing together!

We highly recommend this charming book to anyone with a young child and, as it says on the cover, it truly is "a book for every kind of family and every kind of kid". It's a book that we will treasure and definitely be reading again and again. You can find out more and download the free Reader's Guide at the What Makes a Baby website.

What Makes a Baby written by Cory Silverberg and illustrated by Fiona Smyth (published by Seven Stories Press)

More about What Makes a Baby:
A Truly Inclusive Way to Answer the Question 'Where Do Babies Come From?' - The Atlantic
Q&A With What Makes a Baby Author Cory Silverberg - Seven Stories Press
Interview with Interesting Jews: Author & Sexuality Educator Cory Silverberg - Kveller
What Makes a Baby: A Revolutionary Book - Equally Family
The Duck Who Shared Her Eggs: How Children's Books Approach Modern Reproduction - The Atlantic
The all-new ‘donor baby’ etiquette - Maclean's
Inclusive Book “What Makes A Baby” Teaches Kids Where Babies Really Come From (Hint: Not The Stork) - Queerty
What Makes a Baby - Kirkus Reviews
Behind the Scenes of What Makes A Baby: A Kickstarter Children’s Book - Pen & Oink

Articles by Cory Silverberg in The Huffington Post:
Science and Storytelling in Sex Education
What Gender Doesn't Have to Do With Making Babies

Note: We received a copy of What Makes a Baby to review but have not received payment for this post. All opinions are our own.


1 comment:

  1. Looks like a really good book with beautiful illustrations.
