
25 November 2009

The menu

Corner View is hosted by Spain Daily and we are invited to post pictures telling the stories of our different lives and cultures. This week's theme is 'menu del día'. Our favourite seat at our favourite cafe is under the menu. It's also next to the speakers and Sunnyboy loves the Brazilian music that's played, perhaps because of the many hours that we spent at the cafe when he was a baby. He even learnt to climb stairs there (we live in a ground floor flat so don't have any stairs at home). We've made friends with the staff and other regulars, and the cafe owner (a lovely Brazilian woman) always gives Sunnyboy a present on his birthday and for Christmas.

Corner Views from around the world:


  1. Now, that is what restaurants should be about... places where friends gather and know one another. That's so sweet of the owner to gift Sunnyboy on his birthday and Christmas.


    Sheila :-)

  2. How lovely! If we had a cafe nearby (and the brazilian music would be a plus), we'd be regulars there!

  3. It's wonderful that you have such a friendly (especially child-friendly) restaurant near by. I bet my little boy would like the Brazilian music, too. He likes any music with a strong beat.

  4. That is fun when you get to know the staff at restaurants. It makes you feel like part of the family a community.

  5. I love the seat under the menu too! Always a fun to read what they have all the time~

    Oh and look at the menu, so colorful so nice ^_^.

  6. I can see mostly the healthy meals there in the menu! I wanna have the cuppa on the table!
