
12 March 2009

Pablo Picasso

I watched a really cool short film on The Chic Geek's blog. She has been taking part in the Weekly Geek A Quote a Day challenge and posted quotes from Pablo Picasso and two videos, including this one which Sunnyboy liked so much he asked to watch it eleven times in a row. I also really like this Picasso quote that The Chic Geek posted - 'All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.'


  1. Hi!
    I'm not much into Picasso. I really like that quote! It's so true! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great evening!!


  2. Awww, thanks for enjoying it so much and posting a link :) It makes me feel good to know that what I post makes people happy. You are very sweet!
    Have a Happy Weekend :)
