
27 March 2009

Tummy Tub

When I was pregnant with Sunnyboy by chance I watched a feature on The Richard and Judy Show about the Tummy Tub*. I was very impressed and decided to buy one instead of a standard baby bath. The Tummy Tub is a bucket-like baby bath designed to mimic the experience and security of being in the womb. The baby sits upright in a familiar, natural position and so bathtimes are relaxed and enjoyable from birth. I absolutely loved our Tummy Tub and so did Sunnyboy.

Note: I've featured this product because I liked it and wanted to tell others. I haven't been asked, or paid, to do so. All opinions are my own.


  1. I absolutely love that you raise consciousness on so many topics. Many are near and dear to me.

    Happy Conscious Friday!

  2. I saw this too late. I wish I had this for the girls as the design is SO much better than the typical baby tub. I saw it and thought "Of course!". Thanks for linking to KFF! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. I too don't have babies at home, however, I will have my first great- niece or nephew born this summer. And then a whole slew should come over the next 15 years or so.

    And of course I hope to have grandchildren in about 10 or 15 years. So, I can pass this onto many people who hopefully will see the goodness of this product.

    Thanks for sharing.

