
13 March 2009

Toy storage in a small space - Part 1

We've got a lot of toys in our small, cozy flat and one great storage solution I've found is hooks. As well as toys and puzzles we've hung up bags with craft supplies such as collage materials and stickers. All of these bags and peg hooks came from charity shops, so the cost was minimal too.

There are more ideas for toy storage in a small space in these posts:
Toy storage in a small space - Part 2
Puzzle storage
An art easel in a small space
An art display in a small space
Frugal play kitchen
Folding trampoline

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. Going vertical with bags was a break-through in keeping the kids' play area organized even a tiny bit. It's a fantastic idea and I like how you've got yours set up.

  2. This is a great idea. I have bags that I don't use (from other years preschool classes). Never crossed my mind to do this. It looks pretty on the wall as well. I love your space saving ideas! Thanks for linking to Kid Friendly Friday!

  3. Thanks for the great idea! I am going to do this with our dress up clothes, but put them all in bags because they hold more. I love your blog and am following along now.

  4. Wow! You are awesomely organized!

    I like the idea of using up wall space instead of floor space. This allows one to have more play area. I love space, but I tend to fill up my empty space.

    I am going to have to expand this idea to my kitchen. I will be putting my thinking cap on and look for ways to help my overcrowded kitchen come into a nice organized space like you did above.

    Thanks for the inspiration.


  5. That is a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a fun idea! We use them mostly for my daughter's purses.

  7. We use bags in the kitchen too! We have bags hung up for cloth rags, cloth shopping bags etc. and in the bathroom we have them for cotton wool, bath toys, etc.

  8. What a fantastic idea! I collect bags and kind of have an obsession....what a great idea to use them wisely!! Thanks!

  9. What a great idea! I would like to do this in my basement. You could even sew or glue a picture of the toy to the outside of the bag to help toddlers learn where to put things back.

  10. Great idea - thanks.


  11. I have three of those peg hook things from the nursery that was just converted to a big girl room. I love this idea, and am going to have hubby dig them up out of the basement tonight. THANKS!!

  12. Great idea! Thanks for sharing. =0)

  13. I like your cheerful bags!

    Hooks are great -- bags are a smart addition!

  14. I was just looking around the house this morning thinking, "I need some storage solutions!"

    Or maybe I just need less stuff. :)

    Great ideas--very inspiring. Thanks for participating in Make-Do Mondays!

  15. What a good idea! I do this in our pantry--why didn't I think of it in my daughter's room? She's at the age where she *loves* bags and purses, so this would be perfect! Thanks!

  16. Excellent idea! We could use more hooks around here.

  17. How clever! Thanks for sharing.


  18. I do the same thing! I hang all of my son's bibs up on a peg rack. I also have these rabbit wall-hanging flower pots that I use to store things like Desitin and lotion.

  19. love it you are definetly making the best of your space
