
7 August 2009


Sunnyboy carrying his teddy in his sling

Hotslings Kid Cotton Pouch from Big Mama Slings*

Babywearing links:
The BabyWearer
Sling Meet
Babywearing Bloggers
The Importance of the In-Arms Phase - Jean Liedloff
Baby Carriers of the Animal Kingdom - Truly Natural Parenting!
Flickr: Simple/ethnic baby carriers
Flickr: Babywearing!
Enter the SnugBaby Summer Competition 2009 to win a SnugBaby mei tai, in your choice of colour.

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.

The inspiration for Conscious Friday comes from Se'Lah at Necessary Room.

*Note: I've featured this product because I liked it and wanted to tell others. I haven't been asked, or paid, to do so.


  1. What an adorable little boy in an adorable little sling! I've wanted to get one for my little guy for a while, now...the scarf that's been tying his doll on just isn't doing as good of a job as it should be! :-)

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I like meeting you people.

    Your Sunnyboy looks cute with his teddy in thee sling, what a great idea.

  3. Hello Sunnymama! Thanks for visiting me today... fun to find your lovely place here in blogland..and not least see your lovely boy--he is beautiful! Thanks for the great links. Happy weekend :o)

  4. So cute! What a wonderful idea :)

  5. adorable! my youngest is a boy, 14 months, and he just started carrying his favorite toy wolf around and pretending to nurse it. he howls and then signs "nurse" repeatedly while he does it, and it makes his sisters crack up.

    i like seeing those nurturing instincts in little boys. preparing them to be good fathers someday. :)

  6. Your son is adorable and love how he is carry his teddy bear in the sling. Have a golden weekend! xoxo

  7. so beautiful, our babies were always in arms or in a sling... I love to see the little ones following in what they knew in their babyhood with their dollies.

  8. FANTASTIC...I love this!

    Showing his nurturing side.

  9. LOL!! that is so cute! teaching him young!!!

  10. That is too precious!

  11. so sweet. i love seeing little boys encouraged to be nurturers:)

  12. I love to see children mimick their mamas in this way! My daughter strapped her doll on to her the other day (with help from her older sister) and it just made me smile!
