
24 August 2009

Richard Scarry's Best Storybook Ever

One of Sunnyboy's birthday presents was Richard Scarry's Best Storybook Ever (another five pence charity shop book).

'August is steamy, hot, ice-creamy.
Maybe you'll visit the seashore...
Play under the garden hose...

Swing in the hammock with bare toes.
Summer is nearly over, and birds stay up late.

Suppers are hot-dogs, cooked out of doors-

So good you can hardly wait!'

Find out more about Book Sharing Monday at Serendipity.
To see what other people are reading this week go to The Well Read Child.


  1. What a great book! Have a wonderful Monday!

  2. This was my favorite book as a kid--I just love all the pictures! I got this for Ingrid for her first Christmas :)

  3. This was one of Gerrick's favorites right around the time he turned 3. :)

  4. This looks like a great book. i am not normally big on Richard Scarry, but i like the pictures in this one. xx

  5. I remember my picture book. It was a fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast, Alladin, Cinderella... oh I miss that book.

    This book is really nice, I like the drawings.

  6. We have this book! It was always a favorite.
