
14 August 2009

The Museum of Zoology

Last week we went to the Museum of Zoology with Little Friend and Little Friend's Mum. The Museum of Zoology is home to a huge variety of recent and fossil animals. The displays trace the evolution of animal life, with intricately beautiful shells, a comprehensive collection of British birds, and many large skeletons of mammals. Hanging above the entrance is the skeleton of a giant Finback Whale, which sadly washed ashore dead on Pevensey beach in Sussex in 1865. 40,000 people went to see the sight at the time, and the Museum later purchased the skeleton.

See more Friday's Nature Tables at The Magic Onions


  1. The whale is huge. Never got to see a real whale or even its fossil before. Your picture is really amazing. I can see how big it is by looking at the distance of Little Friend and Little Friend's Mum from Sunnyboy.

    Sadly it died.

  2. Wow, that whale is huge! I hope Sunnyboy and Little Friend had fun!

  3. Wow that'a huge whale! Great pictures! Looks like a fun place.

  4. That's an awesome and amazing place!

  5. hi sunny mama! hi, sunny! you both remind me that i am late with my postings. i yet have to see reaaallly big sharks or something. got to show this to my sons, thank you, SM!

  6. that skeleton is HUGE!!! WOW! What a wonderful place! :)

  7. What an awesome museum! We'll have to remember this when we finally make it to the UK for a visit!

    Thanks for your visit!

    Happy Weekend!

  8. Great Pictures. It looks like you had a great time. Thanks for visiting Grampys Place and have a sparkling weekend.

  9. wow, what a skeleton, this is huge!!

    hey, thanks for the award!!

    happy weekend for you and for sunnyboy!!!


  10. Looks pretty fun. That whale is crazy big!

  11. How cool! Wonderful shots and posts this week - I miss so much now that I'm back to work :-(

  12. this looks like an interesting place. the children r privileged to have a chanz to visit such a place.

  13. Look at that skeleton! What a huge creature it once was. Thank you so much for sharing on Friday's Nature Table.
    Blessings and magic.

  14. So lovely. museums rock!

    i bet sunnyboy had a wonderful adventure there.
