
3 August 2009

More on the London Unschooling Conference

I didn't take any pictures at the London Unschooling Conference we attended recently, but Dayna Martin has posted pictures on her blog. (I'm in the first picture sitting on the right wearing pink.)

Some 'Unschooling in British History' quotes, compiled by Sophia Woodley.
Click on the picture to enlarge and read quotes.

Text of Schuyler Waynforth's presentation on 'The Wonderful World of Television'.


  1. what a wonderful conference to take part in!
    we bought wooden play stands from the Martin family a few years ago their family is inspiring!

  2. I really enjoyed reading the text of the talk Schuyler gave. She has been a great inspiration since we started on this journey:-)

    I would have dearly loved to attend the conference but it was a very long journey and would have taken much more energy that I have to give at the moment,hope to go to a conference at some stage though:-)xx

  3. Just want to thank you for this. I am going to read that page now.

  4. I so needed to read that TV presentation - I have been having a Peppa Pig crisis, which is now resolved - thanks so much for that. xx

  5. I so wish I had been able to go, any idea if there will be another one sometime?

  6. @Lisa, I don't know but I hope so :)
