
27 August 2009

Junk models

Sunnyboy has been very interested in art and crafts recently and has discovered the joys of Junk Modelling. On the left is Buzz Lightyear and on the right is an aeroplane.

Click here to see the play, crafts and learning ideas blog link-ups we share at.


  1. That is cute! He is very creative.

  2. Seriously adorable! You guys know how to have fun! Sorry I've been occupied with grad school but I think of all of you in blogland a bunch! I'm telling all of you how much I appreciate you so when I'm gone for a bit, you know!

  3. That looks like are great project. He must have had a lot of fun working on it!

  4. That is such a fun way to use your imagination. Thanks for sharing.

  5. That is super duper fun. Great use of found materials.

  6. I love it! How did he start this ? I am having a hard time getting my preschoolers interested in the 3d art area....

  7. @Ms Debbie, thank you! I've made things out of cardboard boxes for sunnyboy before and have a trolley full of junk for him to use. He didn't much until recently when he just started making his own models.

  8. I love it! I would save more jumk but it just piles up and I don't know what to do with it. I could put aside a paper bag for the week, accumulate just that week's stuff and have them create!
