
10 April 2009

Act Now for Darfur

April is Genocide Prevention Month. You can find out more and learn how to take action at Save Darfur.

The next clip is from the Amnesty International Instant Karma Campaign to demand an end to the killing and atrocities in Darfur. Find out more about the Instant Karma campaign and sign the petition at Instant Karma.

*The inspiration for Conscious Friday comes from Se'Lah at Necessary Room.


  1. Breaks my heart! I'm taking a deep breath to help me with the words that I cannot say. Right after I leave here, I'm signing the petition. I got a feeling one day in my life, I will get to help and do something for human kind and it will be a knee-jerk reaction to do something, anything.

  2. My youngest sister is a huge advocate, as am I, for Darfur. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere (MLK quote).

    Thanks so much for raising consciousness this week.
